1. Digestion!

2. Digestion: Interactive Lyrics

I’m assuming you’ve watched the video. If you haven’t, click here. Then interactively read through the lyrics below.

[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Digestion Interactive Lyrics”]

[h]Digestive System Interactive Lyrics

[q]They say you are what you eat, which leaves me with a question
‘Bout this food on my plate and its impending digestion.
How this protein, fat and __________________ that you see
Is gonna get broken down and rebuilt into me?


Ingestion’s the start, it’s when you take the food in
Breaking down the food, that’s _____________
And then the food gets ___________ or assimilated
What you can’t absorb, it’s gotta be _____________



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[q]_________ and grinding food to forms so little
That kind of digestion is _____________.
And enzymes breaking polymers to monomers so simple
That kind of digestion is chemical


In ‘most animals, earthworms, gnats or rats,
There’s a tube that’s called the digestive _______.
Attached to the tract are parts that _________,
Enzymes and juices to break down what you eat



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[q]Breaking food down in your digestive tract
Polymers to monomers ________ attack
Food becomes _________, disassembly line
You are what you eat so watch how you dine!
_________ and pancreas keep on ________
Juices for treating the food you’ve been eating
Mouth to esophagus, stomach, intestine,
Colon to rectum to anus digestion!



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[q]The teeth grind food increasing surface area,
Of any food you’d find, in any cafeteria
The salivary glands release salivary __________
Which chemically digests _______, a carbohydrate


Then ____________ moves food to the esophagus
Choking is prevented by the epiglottis
Which covers the up the windpipe so you won’t choke or cough
The __________ seals the trachea off!



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[q]___________ moves food through the digestive tract,
In waves smooth muscles contract and relax
So it’s not gravity that moves the food from place to place,
You can eat upside down, or in outer space.


The stomach’s the next place your food will go,
______________ acid makes the pH low
The low pH makes __________ relax
Setting them up for enzyme attack



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[q]Pepsinogen’s an enzyme that the __________ secretes,
Acid makes it into pepsin which breaks apart proteins
A soupy mixture known as acid chyme forms in your tummy
It’s what you vomit when you’re sick it’s anything but yummy


The stomach sends the chyme on the next step on this trip,
Pyloric _________ opens, allowing chyme to drip
Into the _________, the start of the __________,
Leading us into another moment in digestion



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[q]Now it’s time for _______, that bitter green secretion
Whose job is to emulsify the fat that you’ve been eatin’
The gall ________ stores bile that the liver synthesizes
Fat gobs are split into digestible sizes


The duodenum gets the bile from the bile duct,
And more secretions come in through the pancreatic duct
___________________ is one, it’s job is to neutralize
The acid from the stomach so intestines will be ________.



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[q]This pancreatic juice, it’s an enzymatic brew
With amylase and protease and ________ in that stew
As food moves along, enzymes break down each polymer
‘Til nothing’s left of food but the simplest monomers


We’re ready for absorption: no cause for confusion
Food moves from intestines to the _______________ by __________
The intestine’s ______, increase surface for absorption
Food diffuses into the blood, no matter what the portion!



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[q]After this absorption, the system ain’t restin’
What’s left moves to the ______, the large intestine
Feces forms from indigestible food and fiber
It’s the same in earthworms, or antelopes or tigers.


________________ water, it’s a main colonic function,
Its flows from the colon to the blood without compunction.
And you can thank the ____________ in your colon,
For synthesizing vitamin K and Biotin



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[q]But other colonic things ain’t so cute
The gases, farts, that make us toot
Nitrogen, hydrogen, CO2 and __________,
The last one’s a cause of climate change.


The __________ is a little pouch that sometimes can excite us,
When it’s __    ______ it causes pain it’s called appendicitis
It’s functionless, ___________ so you can take mine out of me
Its surgical removal is called an appendectomy


The rectum’s the last stop on this pathway within us,
The ________ is stored ‘til it exits out the anus,
What started as food, now meets its final fate
As it exits out our body as we eliminate.


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3.Digestion! Flashcards based on the lyrics

Now that you’ve seen the movie and read through the lyrics, try these flashcards.

[qdeck random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Digestion Flashcards 1″]

[h]Digestion Lyrics Flashcards


  • You might not know the answers to every one of these cards.
  • It’s not a test.
  • If you don’t know the answer, flip the card, and take a good look at the answe. Click “need more practice.” You’ll get to try it again after you’ve gone through some or all of the other cards
  • It’s all about effortful learning. And the effort involved in mastering these flashcards is going to help create substantial and long-lasting memories.

[!!!]+++Card 1+++[/!!!]

[q]Taking food in is called _________


[a]Taking food in is called ingestion.

[!!!]+++Card 2+++[/!!!}

[q]Breaking food down is called___________


[a]Breaking food down is called digestion.

[!!!]+++Card 3+++[/!!!]

[q]Grinding big chunks of food into tiny chunks is ____________ digestion


[a]Grinding big chunks of food into tiny chunks is mechanical digestion

[!!!]+++Card 4+++[/!!!]

[q]___________ digestion breaks polymers into monomers.


[a] Chemical digestions breaks polymers into monomers.

[!!!]+++Card 5+++[/!!!]

[q]The _______________ canal is also called the gut or the digestive tract.


[a]The alimentary canal is also called the gut or the digestive tract.

[!!!]+++Card 6+++[/!!!]

[q]The digestive system is organized like an ___________ line with each part having a specialized function.


[a]The digestive system is organized like an assembly line with each part having a specialized function

[!!!]+++Card 7+++[/!!!]

[q]____________is an enzyme found in both saliva and pancreatic juice. It breaks down starch.


[a] Amylase is an enzyme found in both saliva and pancreatic juice. It breaks down starch.

[!!!]+++Card 8+++[/!!!]

[q]The __________ connects the mouth to the stomach.


[a] The esophagus connects the mouth to the stomach.

[!!!]+++Card 9+++[/!!!]

[q]The _____________ is a flap of tissue that covers the windpipe when you swallow to prevent choking.


[a]The epiglottis is a flap of tissue that covers the windpipe when you swallow to prevent choking

[!!!]+++Card 10+++[/!!!]

[q] __________ is when waves of muscle contraction that move food through the digestive tract.


[a] Peristalsis is when waves of muscle contraction that move food through the digestive tract.

[!!!]+++Card 11+++[/!!!]

[q]___________ acid is found in the stomach.


[a]Hydrochloric acid is found in the stomach.

[!!!]+++Card 12+++[/!!!]

[q]Protein digestion starts in the _________.


[a]Protein digestion starts in the stomach.

[!!!]+++Card 13+++[/!!!]

[q] ________ is a soupy mixture of acid and food found in the stomach.


[a]Chyme is a soupy mixture of acid and food found in the stomach.

[!!!]+++Card 14+++[/!!!]

[q]A __________ is a band of muscle that seals off one digestive organ from the next.


[a]A sphincter is a band of muscle that seals off one digestive organ from the next.

[!!!]+++Card 15+++[/!!!]

[q]The _________ is the start of the intestine.


[a] The duodenum is the start of the intestine.

[!!!]+++Card 16+++[/!!!]

[q]The _________makes a basic juice with many enzymes. The base neutralizes stomach acid.


[a]The pancreas makes a basic juice with many enzymes. The base neutralizes stomach acid.

[!!!]+++Card 17+++[/!!!]

[q]________ is a bitter green secretion that breaks fat into tiny droplets.


[a]Bile is a bitter green secretion that breaks fat into tiny droplets

[!!!]+++Card 18+++[/!!!]

[q]The _________ makes bile.


[a]The liver makes bile.

[!!!]+++Card 19+++[/!!!]

[q]The __________ intestine completes digestion and absorbs food into the bloodstream.


[a]The small intestine completes digestion and absorbs food into the bloodstream.

[!!!]+++Card 20+++[/!!!]

[q]Another name for the large intestine is the _________.


[a]Another name for the large intestine is the colon.

[!!!]+++Card 21+++[/!!!]

[q]Reabsorbing ____________ is a main colonic function.


[a]Reabsorbing water is a main colonic function.

[!!!]+++Card 22+++[/!!!]

[q]The ________ is a vestigial pouch on the large intestine


[a]The appendix is a vestigial pouch on the large intestine

[!!!]+++Card 23+++[/!!!]

[q]The ________ stores feces.


[a]The rectum stores feces.

[!!!]+++Card 24+++[/!!!]

[q]The ______ releases feces.


[a]The anus releases feces.


4. Digestion: Interactive Diagrams

[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Digestion Interactive Diagrams”]

[h]Digestion: Interactive diagrams


[q]Identify each part.



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[l]gall bladder

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]salivary glands

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]small intestine

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q]Identify the function of each part.


[l]exit for feces

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]vestigial organ

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]re-absorbs water

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]connects mouth to stomach

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]stores bile

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]creates bile

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]entry for food

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]neutralizes stomach acid

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]back of mouth

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]stores feces

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]starts starch digestion

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]digests and absorbs food

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]begins protein digestion

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q]Identify the order that food flows through the alimentary canal.



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[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


5. A Cartoon Version of the Digestive System

To help my students understand the digestive system, I’ve used this cartoon version of the system. It shows how the digestive system as a linear disassembly line that uses mechanical and chemical means to break food down into a form that can be transported by your bloodstream and absorbed by your cells.

Start by mastering this representation. Then you can move on to the more realistic representation below it.

[qdeck style=”width: 550px; height: 410px; border: 3px solid black; random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Digestive System Cartoon”]

[h]Digestive System Cartoon


[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 7 =================================[/!!!!!]
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 4 represents the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 4 represents the liver.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 4 =================================[/!!!!!]

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 2 is involved with the digestion of [textentry]

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 2 is involved with the digestion of starch
[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 3 =================================[/!!!!!]

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 2 refers to the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 2 refers to the salivary glands
[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 2 =================================[/!!!!!]

The main type of digestion associated with part number 1 is [textentry] .

The main type of digestion associated with part number 1 is mechanical digestion.
[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 1 =================================[/!!!!!]

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 1 is the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 1 is the mouth.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 5 =================================[/!!!!!]

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 3 is the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 3 is the esophagus

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 6 =================================[/!!!!!]

The wave of contraction of circular muscles which moves food through part 3 (and the rest of the digestive tract) is called [textentry] .

The wave of contraction of circular muscles which moves food through part 3 (the esophagus) and the rest of the digestive tract) is peristalsis.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 8 =================================[/!!!!!]
Part number 4 (the liver) produces a greenish, secretion involved in the breakdown of fats. This secretion is called [textentry] .

Part number 4 (the liver) produces a greenish, secretion involved in the breakdown of fats. This secretion is called bile.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 9 =================================[/!!!!!]
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 5 refers to the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 5 refers to the gall bladder

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 10 =================================[/!!!!!]
Part number 5 (the gall bladder) stores [textentry] .

Part number 5 (the gall bladder) stores bile.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 11 =================================[/!!!!!]
The bile stored by part 5 is produced in the [textentry] .

The bile stored by part 5 is produced in the liver.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 12 =================================[/!!!!!]

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 6 refers to the [textentry] .
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 6 refers to the stomach.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 13 =================================[/!!!!!]
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 7 refers to the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 7 refers to the pancreas.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 14 =================================[/!!!!!]
The starch-digesting enzyme released by the pancreas (7) is [textentry] .

The starch-digesting enzyme released by the pancreas (7) is amylase.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 15 =================================[/!!!!!]
Part 7 (the pancreas), in addition to its digestive function, is also connected with regulation of [textentry] .

Part 7 (the pancreas), in addition to its digestive function, is also connected with regulation of blood sugar.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 17 =================================[/!!!!!]
Part 8, which is the upper section of the small intestine, is also known as the [textentry] .

Part 8, which is the upper section of the small intestine, is also known as the duodenum.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 18 =================================[/!!!!!]
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 9 refers to the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 9 refers to the colon (or large intestine)

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 19 =================================[/!!!!!]
The function of number 9 is [textentry] .

The function of number 9 is reabsorption of water.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 20 =================================[/!!!!!]
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, part number 10 is the [textentry] .
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, number 10 is the appendix.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 21 =================================[/!!!!!]
From an evolutionary perspective, one could say that part number 10 is a [textentry] organ.

From an evolutionary perspective, one could say that part number 10 is a vestigial organ.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 22 =================================[/!!!!!]
In this cartoon version of the digestive system, part number 11 is the [textentry] .

In this cartoon version of the digestive system, part number 11 is the small intestine.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 23 =================================[/!!!!!]

Part number 11 is responsible for final breakdown of polymers into [textentry] .

Part number 11 is responsible for final breakdown of polymers into monomers.

[!!!!!] CARD NUMBER 24 =================================[/!!!!!]
In addition to completing digestion of food, part 11 is also responsible for [textentry] nutrients into the bloodstream.

In addition to completing digestion of food, part 11 is also responsible for absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream.



6. Human digestive system flashcards

[qdeck style=”width: 550px; height: 400px; border: 3px solid black;” random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Digestive System Anatomy”]

[h]Human Digestive System Flashcards


[!!!!] Card Number 30 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


Part 14 is the [textentry] .

Part 14 is the liver.

[!!!!] Card Number 28 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


Part 13 stores [textentry], the function of which is to break down fat.

Part 13 stores bile, the function of which is to break down fat.

[!!!!] Card Number 27 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

A major function of part 12 is [textentry] .

A major function of part 12 is reabsorbing water back into the bloodstream.

[!!!!] Card Number 21 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

After part 6, food proceeds to the [textentry] .


After part 6, food proceeds to the small intestine. The top of the small intestine is the duodenum (which would be a more precise answer)

[!!!!] Card Number 19 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


The liquid inside part 6 has a pH of about [textentry] .

The liquid inside part 6 (the stomach) has a pH of about 1.0. Key point: The stomach has an an acidic pH.

[!!!!] Card Number 17 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


Part number 4 produces the enzyme [textentry], which is involved with the digestion of starch.

Part number 4 (the salivary glands) produces the enzyme amylase which is involved with the digestion of starch.

[!!!!] Card Number 15 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


The function of part 3 (along with the tongue) is [textentry].

The function of part 3 (along with the tongue) is mechanical digestion.

[!!!!] Card Number 9 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system,number 9 is the [textentry] .

Number 9 is the rectum.

[!!!!] Card Number 26 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

As opposed to the other parts of the digestive system, part 11 is a [textentry] organ (hint: think evolutionarily).

[a]As opposed to the other parts of the digestive system, part 11 is a vestigial organ. Vestigial organs are ones that had a function in an evolutionary ancestor, but which have lost their function.

[!!!!] Card Number 1 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


In this image of the digestive system, number 1 is the [textentry].


In this image of the digestive system, number 1 is the tongue.

[!!!!] Card Number 2 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


In this image of the digestive system, number 2 is the [textentry] .


In this image of the digestive system, number 2 is the mouth.

[!!!!] Card Number 3 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


In this image of the digestive system, number 3 are the  [textentry] .


In this image of the digestive system, number 3 are the teeth.

[!!!!] Card Number 4 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 4 refers to the [textentry] .

Number 4 refers to the salivary glands.

[!!!!] Card Number 5 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 5 refers to the [textentry] .

Number 5 refers to the esophagus.

[!!!!] Card Number 6 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 6 is the [textentry] .

Number 6 is the stomach.

[!!!!] Card Number 7 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 7 is the [textentry] .

Number 7 is the pancreas.

[!!!!] Card Number 8 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 8 is the [textentry] .

Number 8 is the small intestine.

[!!!!] Card Number 10 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


In this image of the digestive system, number 10 is the [textentry] .


In this image of the digestive system, number 10 is the anus.

[!!!!] Card Number 11 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 11 is the [textentry] .

Number 11 is the appendix.

[!!!!] Card Number 12 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


In this image of the digestive system, number 12 is the [textentry] .


In this image of the digestive system, number 12 is the colon.

[!!!!] Card Number 13 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In this image of the digestive system, number 13 is the [textentry] .

Number 13 is the gall bladder.

[!!!!] Card Number 14 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


After part 2, food proceeds to the [textentry] .


After part 2, food proceeds to the esophagus.

[!!!!] Card Number 16 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


After part 5, food proceeds to the [textentry] .


After part 5, food proceeds to the stomach (number 6, above).

[!!!!] Card Number 18 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

Part number 4 produces the enzyme amylase, which is involved with the digestion of [textentry] .

Part number 4 (the salivary glands) produces the enzyme amylase which is involved with the digestion of starch.

[!!!!] Card Number 20 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In relationship to the acidity of the stomach, what’s the important role played by part 7? [textentry]

In relationship to the acidity of the stomach, the importance of part 7 (the pancreas) is that it produces bicarbonate, which neutralizes stomach acid.

[!!!!] Card Number 22 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]


The function of part number 8 is to complete [textentry], and to absorb nutrients into the blood.


The function of part number 8 (small intestine) is to complete digestion and to absorb nutrients into the blood.

[!!!!] Card Number 23 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

After part 8, food proceeds to the [textentry] .

After part 8, food proceeds to the  large intestine or colon.

[!!!!] Card Number 24 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

The function of part 9 is to store [textentry] .

The function of part 9 (the rectum) is to store feces.

[!!!!] Card Number 25 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

After part 9, undigested food will proceed to the anus, where it will be  [textentry] .

After part 9 (the rectum), undigested food will proceed to the anus, where it will be eliminated.

[!!!!] Card Number 29 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

Part number 13 stores bile, the function of which is [textentry].

Part number 13 stores bile, the function of which is to break down fat.

[!!!!] Card Number 31 +++++++++++++[/!!!!]

In terms of digestion, a key function of part 14 is to synthesize [textentry] .

A key function of part 14 is to synthesize bile.




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