1.The Light Reactions Part 1: Interactive Lyrics


[h]Interactive Lyrics: The Light Reactions Part 1

[i]These are the lyrics to Photosynthesis: The Light Reactions, Part 1, organized into a fill-in-the-blanks quiz. Reading like this will deepen your understanding of how photosynthesis works. Give it a try! 

[q labels = “top”]

Organisms like plants that ________________

Chemically combine water with carbon dioxide

Making ______________ and oxygen too,
That’s why photosynthesis should matter to you!


The light reactions are photosynthesis’s first phase
The output’s ATP and ________
O2‘s the by-product, and as you can see
The inputs are water, and ____________.


Phase 2 is the _______ Cycle makes carbohydrate,
Using up the ATP and the NADPH,
While absorbing CO2 (it’s carbon ________)
Photosynthesis, what a sensation


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[l]light energy

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


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[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]

Light reactions
happening in leaves
Making _______
Through a _____-charged
current of electricity
Converted into _________ energy


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[q labels = “top”]

Chloroplasts are the photosynthesizing organelle.
You can find them in leaves, in a ___________ cell,
Inside chloroplasts is a fluid called  ______,
it’s true everywhere, from Tokyo to Roma.


The stroma bathes tiny sacs called __________,
Membrane bound sacs, with a tiny space inside,
The thylakoid’s membrane is loaded with protein
It’s the  _____________’ main scene


It also has pigments like green ____________
Orange carotenoids and yellow xanthophylls
These pigments _______ light that’s mostly red and blue
The green is not absorbed it reflects back to you.


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[f*] Correct!


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[f*] Great!

[l]light reactions

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[f*] Great!


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[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[q labels = “top”]

Every chlorophyll has a __________ ring,
With magnesium atoms in the that center of that thing.
In the light reactions that magnesium gets pinged,
By photons, making its _________ zing,


Notice the chlorophyll’s tail — a ____________ chain
Which anchors chlorophyll into the thylakoid membrane.
A molecule with style, so pretty,
In the thylakoid, it makes __________.


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[f*] Excellent!


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[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]

Engelmann showed us the _______ spectrum
He used a prism to break the sun’s
Light into its many different _______,
Shone it on an algae called Cladophora


The O2 algae makes will stimulate bacteria
Which will grow in any _______ rich area
Bacteria loved it over blue and red
But hardly grew over ______, they might as well be dead!


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[q labels = “top”]

This line of growth, it’s a reflection,
Of _______________ action spectrum
Note this doesn’t match exactly
The absorption spectra of ___________ a or b.


‘Cause the carotenoids and ____________ we´ve met
Absorb light frequencies the chlorophylls can´t get
And in the _________, they all cooperate!
In making ATP and NADPH


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[f*] Correct!


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[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


2. Light Reactions, Part 1, Flashcards

Flashcard Set 1

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[h]The Light Reactions Part 1: Flashcard Set 1

[i]If you haven’t used a set of flashcards on sciencemusicvideos before, here’s what you need to know.

  • Click ‘Check Answer’ to see the answer to each card.
  • If you know it, click ‘Got it.”
  • If you don’t know it as well as you’d like, click ‘Need more practice,’ and that card will go to the bottom of the deck so you can practice it again.
  • ‘Shuffle’ lets you shuffle the deck.

[!]++++Card 1a++++[/!]

[q]During _________, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 2a++++[/!]

[q]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and __________ in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 3a++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis is the source of the _______ in Earth’s atmosphere.


[a]Photosynthesis is the source of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere.

[!]++++Card 4a++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis absorbs the gas ____________.


[a]Photosynthesis absorbs the gas carbon dioxide.

[!]++++Card 5a++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis has two phases: the ___________ and the Calvin Cycle


[a]Photosynthesis has two phases: the light reactions and the Calvin Cycle

[!]++++Card 6a++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and _____ energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 7a++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is ______.


[a]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 8a++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, NADPH, and ___________. The product is carbohydrate.


[a]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide. The product is carbohydrate.

[!]++++Card 9a++++[/!]

[q]The Calvin Cycle uses the products of the ___________ in order to create carbohydrates.


[a]The Calvin Cycle uses the products of the light reactions in order to create carbohydrates.

[!]++++Card 10a++++[/!]

[q]The key organelle involved in photosynthesis is the _________.


[a]The key organelle involved in photosynthesis is the chloroplast.

[!]++++Card 11a++++[/!]

[q]________ is a type of photosynthesizing tissue found in the middle of a leaf.


[a]Mesophyll is a type of photosynthesizing tissue found in the middle of a leaf.

[!]++++Card 12a++++[/!]

[q]The fluid found inside of a _________ is called stroma.


[a]The fluid found inside of a chloroplast is called stroma.

[!]++++Card 13a++++[/!]

[q]Within a chloroplast, the stroma bathes tiny sacs called ________.


[a]Within a chloroplast, the stroma bathes tiny sacs called thylakoids.

[!]++++Card 14a++++[/!]

[q]The primary site of the light reactions is the thylakoid ________.


[a]The primary site of the light reactions is the thylakoid membrane.

[!]++++Card 15a++++[/!]

[q]The primary light absorbing pigment involved in photosynthesis is ________.


[a]The primary light absorbing pigment involved in photosynthesis is chlorophyll.

[!]++++Card 16a++++[/!]

[q]Chlorophyll absorbs red and ____ light, and reflects green light.


[a]Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light, and reflects green light.

[!]++++Card 17a++++[/!]

[q]At the “head” of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring composed of linked __________ atoms. The ring has a magnesium atom at its center.


[a]At the “head” of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring composed of linked nitrogen atoms. The ring has a magnesium atom at its center.

[!]++++Card 18a++++[/!]

[q]In the light reactions, the atom in chlorophyll that provides the _______ for electron flow is magnesium.


[a]In the light reactions, the atom in chlorophyll that provides the electrons for electron flow is magnesium.

[!]++++Card 19a++++[/!]

[q]The chlorophyll’s “tail” consists of a hydrocarbon chain that ______ chlorophyll into the thylakoid membrane.


[a]The chlorophyll’s “tail” consists of a hydrocarbon chain that anchors chlorophyll into the thylakoid membrane.

[!]++++Card 20a++++[/!]

[q]The action spectrum shows which ____ frequencies produce the most photosynthesis.


[a]The action spectrum shows which light frequencies produce the most photosynthesis.

[!]++++Card 21a++++[/!]

[q]Engelmann’s experiment showed that most photosynthetic activity was generated by ____ and red light.


[a]Engelmann’s experiment showed that most photosynthetic activity was generated by blue and red light.

[!]++++Card 22a++++[/!]

[q]The absorption spectrum shows which light _________ are absorbed by the pigments involved in photosynthesis.


[a]The absorption spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the pigments involved in photosynthesis.




Flashcard Set 2

[qdeck random = “true”]

[h]The Light Reactions Part 1: Flashcards Set 2


[!]++++Card 1b++++[/!]

[q]During photosynthesis, organisms use _____ energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 2b++++[/!]

[q]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce __________. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 3b++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis is the source of the oxygen in Earth’s __________.


[a]Photosynthesis is the source of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere.

[!]++++Card 4b++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis _______ the gas oxygen


[a]Photosynthesis releases the gas oxygen

[!]++++Card 5b++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis has two phases: the light reactions and the ___________


[a]Photosynthesis has two phases: the light reactions and the Calvin Cycle

[!]++++Card 6b++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ____ and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 7b++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ____, NADPH, and carbon dioxide. The product is carbohydrate.


[a]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide. The product is carbohydrate.

[!]++++Card 8b++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide. The product is __________.


[a]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide. The product is carbohydrate.

[!]++++Card 9b++++[/!]

[q]The Calvin Cycle uses the products of the light reactions in order to create ___________.


[a]The Calvin Cycle uses the products of the light reactions in order to create carbohydrates.

[!]++++Card 10b+++(these two questions were cut)+[/!]

[!]++++Card 12b++++[/!]

[q]The fluid found inside of a chloroplast is called _____.


[a]The fluid found inside of a chloroplast is called stroma.

[!]++++Card 13b++++[/!]

[q]The primary site of the _____ reactions is the thylakoid membrane.

[a]The primary site of the light reactions is the thylakoid membrane.

[!]++++Card 14b++++[/!]

[q]The primary ____ absorbing pigment involved in photosynthesis is chlorophyll.


[a]The primary light absorbing pigment involved in photosynthesis is chlorophyll.

[!]++++Card 15b++++[/!]

[q]Chlorophyll _______ red and blue light, and reflects green light.


[a]Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light, and reflects green light.

[!]++++Card 16b++++[/!]

[q]Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light, and reflects _____ light.


[a]Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light, and reflects green light.

[!]++++Card 17b++++[/!]

[q]At the “head” of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring composed of linked nitrogen atoms. The ring has a ____________ atom at its center.


[a]At the “head” of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring composed of linked nitrogen atoms. The ring has a magnesium atom at its center.

[!]++++Card 18b++++[/!]

[q]In the light reactions, the atom in chlorophyll that provides the electrons for electron flow is _________.


[a]In the light reactions, the atom in chlorophyll that provides the electrons for electron flow is magnesium.

[!]++++Card 19b++++[/!]

[q]The chlorophyll’s “tail” consists of a hydrocarbon chain that anchors chlorophyll into the thylakoid ________.


[a]The chlorophyll’s “tail” consists of a hydrocarbon chain that anchors chlorophyll into the thylakoid membrane.

[!]++++Card 20b++++[/!]

[q]The action spectrum shows which light frequencies produce the most ____________.


[a]The action spectrum shows which light frequencies produce the most photosynthesis.

[!]++++Card 21b++++[/!]

[q]Engelmann’s experiment showed that most photosynthetic activity was generated by blue and ___ light.


[a]Engelmann’s experiment showed that most photosynthetic activity was generated by blue and red light.

[!]++++Card 22b++++[/!]

[q]The absorption spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the ________ involved in photosynthesis.


[a]The absorption spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the pigments involved in photosynthesis.




Flashcard Set 3

[qdeck random = “true”]

[h]The Light Reactions Part 1: Flashcards Set 3


[!]++++Card 1c++++[/!]

[q]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine _____ and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 2c++++[/!]

[q]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is ______.


[a]During photosynthesis, organisms use light energy to combine water and carbon dioxide in order to produce carbohydrates. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 3c++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis ______ the gas carbon dioxide.


[a]Photosynthesis absorbs the gas carbon dioxide.

[!]++++Card 4c++++[/!]

[q]Photosynthesis releases the gas ______


[a]Photosynthesis releases the gas oxygen

[!]++++Card 5c++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the light reactions are _____, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 6c++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and ______. The by-product is oxygen.


[a]The inputs of the light reactions are water, and light energy. The outputs are ATP and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen.

[!]++++Card 7c++++[/!]

[q]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, ______, and carbon dioxide. The product is carbohydrate.


[a]The inputs of the Calvin Cycle are ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide. The product is carbohydrate.

[!]++++Card 8c++++[/!]

[q]The ___________ uses the products of the light reactions in order to create carbohydrates.


[a]The Calvin Cycle uses the products of the light reactions in order to create carbohydrates.

[!]++++Card 9c++++[/!]

[q]The key __________ involved in photosynthesis is the chloroplast.


[a]The key organelle involved in photosynthesis is the chloroplast.

[!]++++Card 10c++(dropped)++[/!]


[!]++++Card 11c++++[/!]

[q]Mesophyll is a type of photosynthesizing tissue found in the middle of a ____.


[a]Mesophyll is a type of photosynthesizing tissue found in the middle of a leaf.

[!]++++Card 12c++++[/!]

[q]Within a chloroplast, the _____ bathes tiny sacs called thylakoids.


[a]Within a chloroplast, the stroma bathes tiny sacs called thylakoids.

[!]++++Card 13c++++[/!]

[q]The primary site of the light reactions is the _______ membrane.


[a]The primary site of the light reactions is the thylakoid membrane.

[!]++++Card 14c++++[/!]

[q]The primary light absorbing _______ involved in photosynthesis is chlorophyll.


[a]The primary light absorbing pigment involved in photosynthesis is chlorophyll.

[!]++++Card 15c++++[/!]

[q]Chlorophyll absorbs ___ and blue light, and reflects green light.


[a]Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light, and reflects green light.

[!]++++Card 16c++++[/!]

[q]At the “head” of a chlorophyll molecule is a ____________ ring composed of linked nitrogen atoms. The ring has a magnesium atom at its center.


[a]At the “head” of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring composed of linked nitrogen atoms. The ring has a magnesium atom at its center.

[!]++++Card 17c++++[/!]

[q]In the light reactions, the atom in _________ that provides the electrons for electron flow is magnesium.


[a]In the light reactions, the atom in chlorophyll that provides the electrons for electron flow is magnesium.

[!]++++Card 18c++++[/!]

[q]The chlorophyll’s “tail” consists of a hydrocarbon _____ that anchors chlorophyll into the thylakoid membrane.


[a]The chlorophyll’s “tail” consists of a hydrocarbon chain that anchors chlorophyll into the thylakoid membrane.

[!]++++Card 19c++++[/!]

[q]The _____ spectrum shows which light frequencies produce the most photosynthesis.


[a]The action spectrum shows which light frequencies produce the most photosynthesis.

[!]++++Card 20c++++[/!]

[q]_________ experiment showed that most photosynthetic activity was generated by blue and red light.


[a]Engelmann’s experiment showed that most photosynthetic activity was generated by blue and red light.

[!]++++Card 21c++++[/!]

[q]The _________ spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the pigments involved in photosynthesis.


[a]The absorption spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the pigments involved in photosynthesis.

[!]++++Card 22c++++[/!]

[q]The absorption spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the _________ involved in photosynthesis.


[a]The absorption spectrum shows which light frequencies are absorbed by the pigments involved in photosynthesis.




3. Light Reactions Part 1: Interactive Diagrams


[h]Light Reactions Part 1: Interactive Diagrams

[q labels=”top”]



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[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]Calvin Cycle

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]


[l]chloroplast membrane

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!



[q labels = “top”]


[l]hydrocarbon tail

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]magnesium atom

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]porphyrin ring

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]




[l]Carotenoid absorption spectrum

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]Chlorophyll a absorption spectrum

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[l]Chlorophyll b absorption spectrum

[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[l]Photosynthesis action spectrum

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!




What’s next?

  1. Light reactions part 2
  2. Photosynthesis Main Menu